Majlis e Ulama e Shia Europe Khums Calculator
Calculate your Khums And Purify Your Wealth. Majlis-e-Ulama-e-Shia Europe has introduced an online Khums calculator for the community to easily calculate your yearly Khums. You can donate your Khums to Majlis e Ulama e Shia (Europe) and Perform the Wajib action instantly online. We have Ijaza from 14 of the respected Marja e Karam.
Frequently asked Questions about Khums
What is khums?
Khums is an Islamic obligation which literally means 1/5. It is obligatory to pay once a year after deducting one’s expenses, seeking the proximity of Allah (qurbatan ila Allah).
What happens to the khums payments I make?
Khums is used for the upkeep of the Shia organisations, mosques, educational institutes as well as the needy Sadaat (descendants of the Prophet Muhammad (sawa)).
Why do we pay khums?
Khums is the right of the Imām (as) and of the Sadaat. Therefore, it is paid in accordance with the following ayat of Qurān:
Know that whatever benefit you receive, one-fifth is for Allah and the Messenger, his close relatives, orphans, the poor, and the travellers, if you believe in Allah and what We revealed to Our servant on that decisive day when the two armies met. And Allah is Most Capable of everything.
(Surah Anfal, verse 41)
As such, khums is an act of worship and must be given with the right intention, i.e. for attaining proximity to Allah (qurbatan ilallah).
If khums is paid correctly, then the earnings of the person are purified and lawful (halāl). On the other hand, if khums is neglected, the earnings of the person will be regarded as ‘spiritually impure’ and can invite divine retribution in this world and the next.
Without khums, many important projects and many poor Muslims around the world would not receive the help they critically need.
On what things is khums payable?
Khums becomes obligatory (wājib) on five things:
1. profit from earnings;
2. mined products;
3. treasure troves;
4. lawful (ḥalāl) property that has become mixed with unlawful (ḥarām) property;
5. precious stones that are acquired by underwater diving.
Profit from earning includes:
• Salaries and wages
• Earnings from businesses
• Earnings from investments
• Gifts
• Welfare and sadaqah (alms given to the poor)
• Prizes and bonuses
• Unexpected legacy (something bequeathed to you in a will of someone not related to you)
But there are exceptions. Khums is not payable on the following:
• Mahr (the dowry given by a husband to his wife)
• Inheritance, unless the heir is certain that the deceased was committed to paying khums but just did not pay it from the estate before his death.
When do I pay khums?
Khums becomes obligatory immediately, however one has up to a year to pay it. Momineen may find it more convenient to set a memorable date in order to easily calculate their Khums on that date.
Which expenses are deductible from my income?
All expenses as long as they are within means.
Deductible expenses include:
• Food and drink
• Clothing
• Residence and accommodation (rent and mortgage payments)
• Furniture
• Household items and appliances
• Marriage costs
• Car and transport
• Holidays and vacations
• Hajj and ziyarah
• Charity (obligatory and voluntary)
• Gifts given
• Provision for guests
• Medical expenses
• Financial liabilities under the Sharia, such as recompense (kaffarah), compensative payments for missing a fast in Ramadan (fidyah), and avowed liabilities (nadhr)
• Insurance
• Repayment of loans
• Books and apps
• Education
• Utility, internet, and telephone bills
• Maintenance and repairs
• Mandatory pension deductions
• Government taxes and penalties
• Toys for children
• Decorative items for the home
• Payment of wages
• Membership dues
• Business expenditure including wages, rent, insurance, and taxes
• Depreciation in a commodity or loss of a commodity
Is khums payable on savings I have made for the future?
There are some long-term savings which are for a specific use in the future, such as savings for a child’s marriage. Khums is liable on such savings as they are not used in that year.
However, if it is appropriate for a father to save for a particular cause, such as daughter’s marriage, and he would be deemed negligent and careless about his family and their future if he did not do so, then that particular saving will not be liable for khums.
The same applies to other long-term savings for expenses in the future, such as saving for a first residential home, provided the condition mentioned above is fulfilled.
Is khums obligatory on a person with debts?
It depends on the kind of debt.
An unpaid loan can be deducted from one’s surplus income if the loan is taken to cover expenses for running a business, as long as a) there are no assets or cash available to cover those expenses instead of having to take a loan; and b) the expenses in question are reasonable for the type of business in question.
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