As-salaamun alaikum, Dear respected elders, brothers & sisters,
As many of you will be aware from today 2nd December 2020, a tiered system has been introduced for England.
What does this mean for our idaras/Centres?
Essentially all places of worship are allowed to re-open across all tiers, you can resume all types of congregational worship, Jammat prayers & Majalis.
What’s not allowed?
“Socialising/interacting” – The government has allowed places of worship to allow communities to carry out their usual acts of worship collectively on the condition that it is not used as a way to freely socialise or interact with people from other homes. The level of restriction on socialising is dependent on which tier your town/city is currently in, see below:
Tier 1 – Interaction allowed but limited to no more than 6 people.
Tier 2 & Tier 3 – Interaction not allowed with anyone outside your household or support bubble.
The only exception to interaction is for the speaker/scholar who is giving a sermon or the management making announcements.
Re-instate the safety measures
It is up to the centre management to ensure they have reviewed their risk assessment, so that they can limit the interaction inside the Islamic centres in a safe manner, and should only open if they are confident they can keep all their attendees safe. All of the existing mitigations and SOPs are still applicable, such as wearing face coverings indoors, reduced capacity with 1m+ spacing, hand sanitization etc.
If you require assistance with risk assessment or further advice around safety measures do contact us
We pray for the hastening of the reappearance of the Twelfth Imam (aj).
Majlis e Ulama e Shia (Europe)