Majlis e Ulama e Shia Europe (Charity no 1173167) will provide you with a electronic receipt confirming you have paid your Khums to us. The receipt will also include the following: Electronic receipt Number Your Total Khums Sehme Sadat Sehme Imam (AJF) Gift Aid amount Grand Total
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I have a question about Khums or the Khums calculator?
If you require any further information, about Khums or the Khums calculator please contact us.
Read More »How do I calculate my Khums?
You can use the MUS Khums Calculator, to help you calculate your Wajib Khums online.
Read More »Is khums obligatory on a person with debts?
It depends on the kind of debt. An unpaid loan can be deducted from one’s surplus income if the loan is taken to cover expenses for running a business, as long as a) there are no assets or cash available to cover those expenses instead of having to take a …
Read More »Is khums payable on savings I have made for the future?
Yes. There are some long-term savings which are for a specific use in the future, such as savings for a child’s marriage. Khums is liable on such savings as they are not used in that year. However, if it is appropriate for a father to save for a particular cause, …
Read More »Which expenses are deductible from my income?
All expenses as long as they are within means. Deductible expenses include: • Food and drink • Clothing • Residence and accommodation (rent and mortgage payments) • Furniture • Household items and appliances • Marriage costs • Car and transport • Holidays and vacations • Hajj and ziyarah • Charity …
Read More »When do I pay khums?
Khums becomes obligatory immediately, however one has up to a year to pay it. Momineen may find it more convenient to set a memorable date in order to easily calculate their Khums on that date.
Read More »On what things is khums payable?
Khums becomes obligatory (wājib) on five things: 1. profit from earnings; 2. mined products; 3. treasure troves; 4. lawful (ḥalāl) property that has become mixed with unlawful (ḥarām) property; 5. precious stones that are acquired by underwater diving. Profit from earning includes: • Salaries and wages • Earnings from businesses …
Read More »Why do we pay khums?
Khums is the right of the Imām (as) and of the Sadaat. Therefore, it is paid in accordance with the following ayat of Qurān: Know that whatever benefit you receive, one-fifth is for Allah and the Messenger, his close relatives, orphans, the poor, and the travellers, if you believe in …
Read More »What happens to the khums payments I make?
Khums is used for the upkeep of the Shia organisations, mosques, educational institutes as well as the needy Sadaat (descendants of the Prophet Muhammad (sawa)).
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