
Leave of Absence for Religious Observance Muharram

Fill in the below fillable pdf letter [leave of absence for the Religious Observance of the Islamic month of Muharram Ashura letter] for the child’s school [primary or secondary] and print it or email it to the school. Make sure you fill in all the fields in the below letter …

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Worship and Servitude of Zainab (PUBH)

 Zainab (PBUH) learned from the Holy Qur’an that the objective of creating man is for him to reach the pinnacle of servitude.[1] “We did not create the jinn and men except to worship us.” [Qur’an 51:56]  She had seen her parents worshiping and saying night prayers. She witnessed her brother …

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The Beauties of Ashura: The Most Beautiful Words

Great people of old days usually gave others advices about financial matters or about religious practices. Imam Hussein’s words to his brother, Muhammad ibne Hanafiyah; have special beauties, as they contain both the goals and the main ideals of his battle, and an respectful request from people to help the …

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The Aftermath of Karbala

After the supreme sacrifice had been accepted and our Imam Hussain (as) had been martyred, a gloomy silence hung over the battlefield of Karbala.  Every now and then the silence would be broken by the sound of drum-beating to celebrate victory. Not content with spilling the innocent blood of Imam Hussain (as) and his companions, Amr …

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Mission of Imam Sajjad (PBUH)

Imam Sajjad (PBUH) despite facing worst conditions and severe sufferings after the martyrdom of Imam Hosein, not only humiliated and defamed Yazid by displaying courage, bravery, and firmness and defendingmonotheism andprophet-hood from the side of Ahl-ul-Bait but also unveiled it for ever. Imam Sajjad(PBUH) gave that greatest lesson of path to …

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Imam Sajjad (as) after Tragedy of Karbala

When the young Ali took the mantle of Imamat, times were hard on the Ahlulbayt of the Prophet. His is the saddest story of all time. On the 10th of Muharram at the time of Asr Prayers, when his father Hussain (AS) was alone in the battlefield ready to do battle, he withdrew …

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Is there any amongst Man to help us?

Imam Hussein shouted, “Is there any one who can come to our rescue? Is there any one who can protect the sanctity of the family of Allah’s Apostle?” The screaming and crying of women could be heard as a result of his plea. One by one the companions of Hussain (A) asked for …

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Imam Hussain in the Battlefield

After he had buried the baby, he met in duel with many a man who never stood a chance of emerging alive. He then charged the enemy troops who did not stand their ground in the face of his attacks. Thereupon Omar bin Sa”ad yelled at the crowd, “Mind! He …

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The Route of Imam Hussein from Mekka to Karbala

 The map shows the Route that Imam Hussein (A.S) took when he left Makkah for Iraq. The date was 8th Zilhijja 60 Hijri (10.9.680 AD). With him there were about 50 people including women and children of his family and friends. His uncle Ibne Abbas and his brother Muhammad-e-Hanafiya did …

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